Can someone please help identify

mandas, Sep 12, 12:29pm
The weed I have put as my profile picture? I found it growing in my sage plant. it definitely doesn’t taste like sage! Lol.

samanya, Sep 12, 1:14pm
Doesn't look like Sage either.
It's hard to tell from the picture, it could be willow weed, or mint, or Vietnamese mint.
Can you put up a better, closer pic?

maclad, Sep 12, 2:12pm
Yes a better picture, closer up, leaves stems and leaf nodes

les6, Sep 12, 3:35pm
i`m with her!

mandas, Sep 12, 5:09pm
I have uploaded a better pic. Unfortunately I picked it all out so the weed I had earlier has wilted. This only has the leaves and it does have tiny little pink flowers that I haven’t seen in full bloom, only in bud. This pic doesn’t have the flowers. It’s a shame we can’t upload multiple pictures on these types of forums!

rainrain1, Sep 13, 12:32pm
looks a bit like mint

toyboy3, Sep 13, 12:38pm
Go to "My Trade Me"
then "My Photos"
Then "Upload photo"
use the browse function to find the photo on your PC
Click on the photo file and hit "Open"
Then "Next" in Trade Me to upload it.

Once you have done this click on the thumbnail for the photo in My Photos to open it.
Copy and then paste the photos URL from the address bar at the top of your browser window into your message board post.

hulloitsme, Sep 13, 10:47pm
Looks a bit like the variety "chocolate mint".

lythande1, Sep 14, 2:58am
Looks like mint, which one who knows. but a variety.

mandas, Sep 14, 4:10am
Thanks for that. I will do this with the photo next time it pops up. It certainly didn’t smell like anything except for that grassy smell. It was quite fragile as while it was growing the wind got up and snapped half of it off (this is when I thought it was part of the sage plant).

moppy26, Sep 17, 7:25am
If it was mint it would have a smell, my bet is it is a weed.

piquant, Sep 17, 4:14pm
Think you'll probably find it is Epilobium cilliatum - common name Willowherb.
Pain in the butt weed that if it becomes established will get into everything. Has a small pink flower and is very brittle, as you describe. My advice - get rid!

skyedog, Sep 24, 6:05am
agree with this