Can anyone tell me what.

samanya, Dec 10, 10:32pm

stevee6, Dec 10, 10:36pm
1 is a cordyline
2 a lily as samanya said
3 not sure - seen the flower before but don't know the plant.

wheelz, Dec 10, 11:09pm
3 is tradescantia occidentalis

samanya, Dec 11, 3:30am
Oops, did I get it wrong.

piquant, Dec 11, 3:45am
Tradescantia x andersoniana

wheelz, Dec 11, 3:57am of three, but guaranteed to be a tradescantia !

family007, Dec 15, 2:45am
1. Cabbage Tree
2. definitely a Lily, me thinks a Tiger Lily, (small trumpet like flowers, orange with black margins)
3. Definitely Transcantia Virginiana or Spiderwort. Edible in salads apparently

spiritofgonzo, Dec 16, 11:19am
1. cordyline fruiticans (or some sort).Not strictly a cabbage tree, but a tropical version of.Could also be a dracaena.