Does anyone know why.

leeran, Apr 21, 9:32pm
my feijoas are falling off the tree before they are ripe? They are a good size but still quite green.

junie2, Apr 21, 10:12pm
Mine are too, in Chch, but they're not very big. bugger!

jills3, Apr 22, 1:22am
Yes I am in AK and my feijoas are tiny about the size of a sparrows egg and all lying on the ground, I wonder why.

nonumbers, Apr 22, 1:53am

fantail8, Apr 22, 2:59am
not enough moisture usually does that

junie2, Apr 22, 3:24am
It has been very dry here in Chch but the tree roots are very well mulched and I watered quite a lot. Maybe not enough though I guess. They're juicy, and although bigger than a sparrow's egg, are fiddly to deal with.

mm12345, Apr 22, 4:08am
Ours are hopeless this year in Chch too. I suspect it is water, as we've had a terrific warm summer (but very dry). The trees are well-established 4m or so high, and apart from the puny fruit, they look fine. In deep clay here - not sure if surface watering is enough to keep up.

happychappy50, Apr 22, 4:35am
Mainly due to the drought ,I kept the water up to them during their growing season . A long deep watering once a fortnight.

Regarding them falling off,they do that when they are ripe . even if size is down on previous seasons.

Even after all of that the size this yr is smaller,I committed 50% to the compost heap,still from 1 tree we have a plentiful supply.

lythande1, Apr 22, 2:39pm
They didn't get watered.
I see this with my neighbours fruit trees, they never do a thing, no feeding, no water, poor things are going yellow, struggling.

cantabman1, Apr 22, 2:42pm
fejoa should only be gathered when they fall as they are the ripe ones to eat, never pick them from the tree.

venna2, Apr 22, 3:12pm
But leeran is saying that their feijoas fell from the trees but are NOT ripe.

I think that lack of water would be the answer but I'm no expert. I am in Wellington and love feijoas, I've planted many trees. The Tagan variety have the biggest fruit. They seem to be a bit later than usual this year but the feijoas are still really large.

cantabman1, Apr 22, 7:30pm
I would suggest that they are ripe as this is the time of year they fall, however, she my not realize this.We had a dry summer here in Canterbury, and I did not water that often, and the tree next door where I gathered most of the 20 odd kilos from was not watered at all.[very big tree]

rita197, Apr 23, 1:02am
Just collect them and they will ripen inside

venna2, Apr 24, 3:50pm
If the tree was very big, wouldn't it be able to reach the water table under the ground? The OP's trees may be much smaller. I do think that feijoas could well fall off before they are ripe and ready, and lack of water may be a reason. But as I said before, I'm no expert. I'm just a keen feijoa tree grower in my suburban Wellington garden.

craftyhome, Apr 24, 8:02pm
We have a tall feijoa hedge along one fenceline. Previous owner said it never had a single fruit on it, ever. He pruned it really hard to put a fence along the boundary when we bought the place, and this year it has fruited! They're a good size too. Having the same issue with early fruit-fall, but not complaining.

venna2, Jan 25, 2:18am
Feijoas are marvellous, aren't they. I've been surprised how well my trees have grown. I wish I'd planted them years ago.