LED lights.

toysky, Jun 20, 1:01am
What would you recommend as a good middle of the range LED downlights .Not 80 bux each. Need about 35 .need to be dimmable

johotech, Jun 20, 1:14am
Dimmable ones aren't cheap.

bill1451, Jun 20, 1:19am
Try your local electrical wholesaler, not bunnings or m10.talk to your sparky

sanders4, Jun 20, 2:48am
even better find an led supplier near you to find out whats best.

ryanm2, Jun 20, 4:32am
If buying 35 in one hit talk to your local electrical wholesaler, they will advise and probably offer a good rate.

ryanm2, Jun 20, 4:36am
Locally, Radcliffe electrical wholesalers are generally a good bunch of knowledgeable dudes. Hornby, Belfast and Town. Go in, have a chat.

rogerk1, Jun 20, 4:39am
If not in a hurry, import them yourself! NZ$21+ here; landed for $1.80 each! This was for about 24 units only.

ryanm2, Jun 20, 4:45am
If you know where to shop you can get locally sourced units that have a CA rating for not much more. God knows why you would risk your biggest asset to save yourself $100 or whatever. Buying cheap electronic junkola from overseas will eventually cost you a lot more than you save.

aredwood, Jun 20, 6:15am
You might need to replace your dimmers as well. Most dimmers are leading edge type, Which are fine for filament lights. But Some LEDs require trailing edge dimmers to work properly.

toysky, Jun 20, 5:46pm
It's a new build

johotech, Jun 20, 6:06pm
I think you meant to say IC rating, not CA rating?


ryanm2, Jun 20, 6:15pm
No, all lights are CA rated, (thats the minimum rating as your link shows), the better the light the higher the rating and thats where IC and IC-F come in. All downlights in this country must have a CA rating to be installed, those imported privately carry no such CA rating.

ryanm2, Dec 11, 8:47am
I used the Martec branded IC rated downlights on my brothers new build, they are not the same quality as say the Switch Lighting E lightz but were a lot cheaper. Retro fitting my own house and using the E lightz. You gets whats you pay for in this world.