When is the best time to pick blackboy peaches? They've grown in size quite a bit in the last week. Will they be better tasting if left till dropping?
Mar 13, 6:17pm
We are eating them in Napier now. One of my students has been brining in big bags of them. they are falling on the ground.
Mar 13, 7:49pm
No. Pick and they ripen anyway
Mar 13, 9:03pm
I like them off the ground, but we've just had friends around who picked two buckets from the tree as they do most years. They reckon they ripen in a day or two. Beautiful peaches this year here in Chch, and lighter in colour than usual.
Mar 14, 4:21pm
Huge peaches which are ripe now in Chch. Delicious.
Mar 5, 1:42am
My aren't quite ready and if they drop to the ground the chickens would be in heaven. I picked one last week and cut some to eat and it was still a few weeks off being ripe. I would like to try them fully ripened by the tree.
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