
kendall40, Jun 23, 11:09pm
Does anyone know where I can obtain Echium fastuosum, Echium candicans and Echium pininana, also known as Pride of Madeira. I can find the cottage garden echium but want the big bush and pillar type. Thanks for your help.

lemming2, Jun 23, 11:16pm
NB "a common garden escape, especially on dry road verges".
It's a great plant, and several mail order nurseries sell it, and I've seen the wildlings even in the south where it should be susceptible to frost.

kendall40, Jun 23, 11:27pm
Do you know of such a mail order nursery as I have been searching and haven't managed to come up with one, only in Australia.

sumstyle, Jun 23, 11:36pm
I used to grow the pillar ones in Christchurch - wicked sneaky splinters of them. See them around Sumner still.

ro42, Jun 24, 12:10am

kendall40, Jun 24, 12:38am
Thank you very much! I had only been searching for seed - didn't think about looking for plants! Stupid of me!

dibble35, Jun 24, 4:15am
If you are in Whangarei like your profile says, then we sell it at Alter-Natives nursery. well the echium fastuosum plants anyway

kendall40, Jun 24, 3:49pm
Thanks, will call in.

cantabman1, Jun 24, 4:31pm
I was given three small plants from a friend close by who has them growing and seeding. Planted out last spring they will start to shoot up this summer and attract many many bumble bees. Christchurch.

kendall40, Dec 7, 11:55pm
Yes, when in flower they are alive with bees. Wonderful sight! I enjoyed them when living in Auckland but as someone else mentioned, watch for the prickles!