Cat repellant needed

nauru, Nov 29, 5:42am
Can anyone recommend a cat repellant!.I am having problems withneighbours cats using my raised vege beds as a loo and digging out seedlngs, TIA.

pestri, Nov 29, 5:54am
Did put a lot of coffee grounds around recently and having had the same issues with neighbours cat. none since.

redhead96, Nov 29, 8:54am
Citrus peel scattered around

nowittle, Nov 29, 12:57pm
air rifle,hose,big dog, and gin trap one of them should work

ro42, Nov 29, 4:07pm
skunk shot. You can buy it at mitre 10, and they do pellets too. Brilliant stuff!

lscribe, Nov 29, 5:37pm
i put in bamboo (cut from side of road) stakes and threw over two bird nets that were seven bucks each from bunnings. 2mx5m. Keeps cats and birds off the garden.

nauru, Nov 30, 1:58am
redhead96 - Thanks for your input.I tried the citrus peel, no digging up when I checked this morning so hope that does the trick.
ro42 - Thank you for your input too.I tried skunk shot a number of years ago when we had a problem on another property, and yes, it worked but we couldn't stand the smell so I was leaving that as a last resort.Didn't know they also do pellets.
Also thanks to everyone else for your ideas.

mottly, Nov 30, 5:59am
I use vinegar - keeps all my four out, plus the neighbour's ones too :)

krames, Nov 30, 7:53am
yep having great sucess,using white vinegar in a spray bottle and spraying every few nights around the edge of the garden

wind.turbine, Nov 30, 8:38am

sandy11, Nov 28, 12:50pm
Raw onion scraps placed around works well.