Ripening lemons turning brown and falling

bappy, Jun 8, 9:33pm
Hope someone can give me some advice. I have a lemon tree that is about four years but still very small. This year, I was very happy to see lots of flowers, then fruit on the tree. But as soon as the green lemons turn yellow, they turn brown and fall to the ground. What could be the problem?

pericles, Jun 8, 9:42pm
probably be due too much water

lythande1, Jun 8, 10:55pm

cantabman1, Jun 9, 3:25am
At 4 yrs, it is still a very imature tree and will loose fruit until the root system has developed more.Your problem is quiet normal.I always say it is better to start your lemon in a large pot and grow it for 4-5yrs [root-bound] before planting it out.Google "wally"Garden Enterprises for Liquid products that will make your lemon, a super lemon.

harm_less, Dec 19, 7:02am
Possibly Brown Rot. Fruit infection usually results from rain splash from the soil below the tree. To minimise this prune the tree so that no foliage or fruit is within 0.5m of the ground ('skirting'), maintain a grass sward under the tree or else mulch to prevent splashing, and avoid synthetic fertilizers as these will promote 'watery' fruit and leaf growth which is more susceptable to fungal and bacterial (rots) problems.