Fencing query

wisconsin, Apr 22, 4:21pm
Is it still legal to build a corrugated iron fence? There is no mention of corrugated iron in the Urban 'Specified types of fence' in the Fencing Act and I wondered if the types they mention are the ONLY ones that can be built these days.
Fence in question is the back fence to us and part of a side fence to the neighbour. Because of the slope away from the fence line it would be built entirely within our boundary.

trad, Apr 22, 4:46pm
I think it is always a good idea to talk to neighbour about what you are proposing to do on or near the boundary.

kcc55a, Apr 22, 5:03pm
The answer to the OP's query is yes

wisconsin, Apr 22, 6:20pm
Thankyou kcc55a.

Have done so trad - his side of existing low trellis fence has bushes / shrubs all the way along hiding it from his side so he's entirely happy with the status quo. We have the icky side to look at lol.

rita197, Apr 23, 1:03am
Should be fine, Ring your local council and ask

gabbysnana, Apr 23, 1:20am
no. The specified fence is the fence.

tintop, Apr 23, 4:02am
No - The fences detailed in Schedule 2 of the fencing act are a description of a fence that will meet the requirements of the act.

Provided the proposed fence will be of a form of construction that fulfils the same purpose as a 'specimen fence' it is ok.- with the proviso that the owner of the adjoining property s happy with it, or any fence - including the specimen types.

So for (say) an urban type 2 panel fence - the panels may be of any material so long as they provide the same service as asbestos cement panels.

tintop, Apr 23, 4:10am
The act uses the wording in schedule 2 "Specimen Types of Fence" and are detailed as examples.

Note 'Specimen' not 'Specified'

pico42, Apr 23, 5:22am
This. Very important to understand the difference.

gabbysnana, Apr 23, 1:21pm
still no. but hey your welcome to try it out in the dt.

tintop, Apr 23, 3:00pm
You keep saying 'no'.

But 'no' to what exactly?
Please clarify.

pico42, Apr 23, 9:32pm
Can I presume from your brief post that you have had a personal experience on fencing matters in the disputes tribunal where the adjudicator took direction from the list of specimen fences in the act to settle the matter at hand?

The Act is quite clear. Adequate fence is what is required. But the specimen fences are examples of what could be considered adequate for some common situations.

johotech, Apr 23, 9:46pm
No as in "NFI".

tintop, Apr 23, 10:20pm
There are a couple of other things - but they are not covered by the act.

One is materials and height restrictions that may be covered by Local Authority By -Laws.
The other is any covenants that may have been placed on the property by the developer.

But in the main it is up to the adjacent property owners to come to an amicable agreement.

eagles9999, Jan 24, 1:11pm
THIS! But from memory the Act does say that it must be a fence that is similar to others in the area