How do I attach square conduit to fibrolite?

bit, Jun 26, 4:09pm
Seems like a silly question but I don't know.

budgel, Jun 26, 4:55pm
Either. Small screws into pre drilled holes worked for me. On fibro weatherboards I screwed on the laps and made sure the screws didnt go all the way through.
On flat sheets I put a dab of sealer in the holes before the screws. Beware of how brittle it may be if the fibro is more than near new.
No more nails or the like would glue it if you held it in place with masking tape, A few dabs of glue, offer up and get a print of where its going, take off,then let the surface of the glue dry off then press on and instant grab!

Try a practice glue up first.

ceebee2, Jun 26, 5:32pm
Simply use a product called Sika Sikaflex -291 Multi-Functional Marine Adhesive/Sealant available at any leading Mitre 10 / Bunnings. It is a fantastic sealer and adhesive. You will need to tape the conduit to support it in place.

bit, Jun 26, 6:05pm
Thanks both.

johotech, Dec 6, 8:08am
Double sided foam adhesive tape. I thought some square electrical duct used to come with it already on, but I haven't used any for a long time.

Otherwise drill and screw. Or MS sealer is also an effective adhesive.