Hi, I want to join afew small pieces of nova flow

jills3, Apr 16, 12:46am
together, what do I call the item to join the pieces together. Have typed afew names into search box but no luck, eg nova flow joiners, nova flow joins. Thank you.

aj.2., Apr 16, 1:30am
Try , Socket.
But you can also join it with a short piece of PVC pipe that fits over, or even inside, then just a couple of screws to hold it all together.
If you have a few joins to make, then the pvc works out cheaper than any thing else. Easy to cut with a saw.

skin1235, Apr 16, 2:08am
nova flow is particularly easy, you simply cut a sleeve that will go over 6 rings, split it lengthways and slip it over 3 ring on each pipe then twist a light wire around each end of the sleeve

tintop, Apr 16, 3:11am
Yup :),
Or you will find it will fit inside the socket end of pvc drainpipe. particularly useful f you need a 90deg bend.

tintop, Apr 16, 3:15am

jills3, Feb 2, 5:09pm
Thanks alot for replies.