Chatham Island Forget-me-nots

celticvibe, May 19, 4:39pm
When's the best time to move them? Now? Or wait till Winter? I need to make space for my chickens I'm getting in a wee while :) Thankies :)

harrislucinda, May 19, 6:14pm
can pull out now they spread I pull and throw away

celticvibe, May 19, 6:35pm
I'm not talking about the regular old forget me nots. the Chatham Island ones are quite different, a native.

bluefrog2, May 19, 6:58pm
I've done it in spring when they were growing rapidly and there was a lot of rain. I think moving them early-mid Autumn would be better than winter though. Then the transplant will have some time to grow new roots. Just make sure you get a big chunk of root, and don't let it dry out. Provide some shelter I it's a windy spot, as that dries it out faster. The smaller/new plants survive transplanting best.

If you're concerned, don't move the whole plant. Take some side shoots and pot them up to plant out in spring. You may need to protect them from snails.

gilligee, May 19, 7:14pm
I can't even get them to grow!

celticvibe, May 19, 8:12pm
Awesome, thank you :) I need to move them because my chickens will be housed in the area they're in and will no doubt destroy them. Also, it's a bit too hot where they are currently.

bluefrog2, May 19, 8:45pm
Re: chickens.
Ouch. Yeah, I think chickens would destroy them too. I guess you should dig the whole thing up, and try to get as much of the root ball as possible.

harrislucinda, May 19, 11:39pm
yes know what you mean big green shiny leaves and a head of blue flowers just Should be about now before flowering They over take my garden with babies so pull out and throw away if any body wants some in Canterbury

wheelz, May 20, 1:33am
Oh shut up! Some of us struggle to get these beauties to grow, let alone flower!

harrislucinda, May 20, 5:19am
that's not nice probably don't have in the right place or feed them

terrain1, May 20, 8:44am
I love them ! very pretty but I cant grow them !
Have tried several times but have now given up as I figured I had killed enough of the lovely things

rita197, Jan 4, 7:04pm
They are a lovely plant. They like good soil some sun and some shade and no wind. Make sure not to water them as they can easily die from being too wet. Just pick the right spot and they will be happy. It is great to leave the flower heads on so they seed. Pot up seedlings and leave in the shade (under a tree)) till they are big enough to plant out or give as gifts to friends.