I need a drainlayer for a sign off in nth hamilton

daryl14, Jun 18, 8:27pm
How much would you charge to sight a stormwater connection for a new garage to existing stormwater pipe and sign off the draiage plan? I am in flagstaff if anyone wants to get in touch. Cheers.

carter19, Jun 19, 12:43am
tens of $1000's. Why would any LBP put their license on the line for someone elses work?

pauldw, Jun 19, 1:42am
Do you really think that drain layer's labourers are supervised 100% of the time?

jezabeel, Jun 19, 7:54pm
What's the problem? If the work isn't up to standard, don't sign it off.

sboydnz, Jun 20, 2:57am
Would you lend someone your Driver licence?

daryl14, Jun 20, 6:30am
Ha ha I was warned that drainlayers protect their trade. I wonder why I am allowed to buy the pipes and glue at the plumbing shop then?

I Found a good keen man on the builders crack web site.

carter19, Jun 20, 3:45pm
For any work that legally requires a LBP , all be it a plumber, gasfitter, drainlayer, builder, etc, if work is signed off by them and later has a fault whcih in turns leads to the homeowner saying to an inspector or insurance company " I did the work and got it signed off", the LBP is legally liable for the repairs and could well lose their license. The Plumbing Board is particularly good at prosecutions. That is the reason that LBP's dont want to sign off your work.

ebygum1, Jun 20, 4:01pm
Why would a qualified and licenced drainlayer want to sign off anothers work? I can see no reason to do this.There is no benefit to any one except the person who is not authorised to do the work.

daryl14, Jun 20, 5:07pm
My building consent says: an as laid drainage plan must be signed by a registered drain layer.

It does not say: all drainage must be fitted by a registeted drainlayer.

carter19, Jun 20, 7:21pm
The Plumbers Drainlayers and Gasfitters Act states that drainage must be done by a licensed drainlayer.

pauldw, Jun 20, 9:22pm
It does not. It says that all work must be under the supervision of a "Certifying" Drainlayer. Even Licensed Drainlayers need a Certifying Drainlayer's sign off.

carter19, Jun 20, 9:32pm
A bit pedantic for this topic. "Most" people would have no clue as to the difference. Which is probably why there is so much illegal work going on. But that is a topic for another time.

wembley1, Jun 20, 10:34pm
Which is why a home-owner should tee up the tradesman *before* they carry out any work, not hope that someone will sign it off after the fact.

pauldw, Jun 20, 10:42pm
Not pedantic at all, it shows that some drainlayers routinely have to certify work done by others. Maybe some signatures appear on more building consents than you'd expect.

easygoer, Dec 8, 11:13am
If a drain layer signs the work off without checking it then he deserves to loose his license, however if he checks that it's up to standard, takes a fee and signs the work off he will be the winner as he will get paid without getting dirty. Obviously if the drain is already filled in and the work is not visible he would be unwise to accept liability so I don't see a problem with the original posters request