Its stored in a farm shed. Went to check it a couple of days ago only to find some of our bedding has been chewed up. Its not a mouse cause the chews are to big. Have set a rat trap and a mouse trap inside and put those bait round things on a board under the motor on the ground. Went out and checked this morning to find the bait has been started but the swines have managed to get some of the peanut butter on the traps and set them off and not get caught. Is there anything better than peanut butter? The only way we can think they are getting in is climbing up into the motor and somehow finding a tiny hole to get through. Any suggestion please?.
sods are cunning, traps for me only ever catch the first one. I use poisen, multiple types as again they learn fast, wax baits and grain styles, but best i have found is Racumin paste. It is a paste in a teabag style, the rats and mice love it. From garden centre, red cardboard packets. If they have young ones in your van too, i found a massive dose of flea bombs kills them off. (in my case i put 3 in a space below an area of inaccesible flat roof, and had my first quiet night in months)
Jun 2, 9:43pm
Yep gpg58 we went out again yesterday to check and the mouse trap had been set off with nothing in it but they had eaten the bait off the rat trap. I am wondering whether the trap isn't senseitive enough to go off quick. There doesn't look to be a nest anywhere in the van that we can see and we have taken all the bedding out so there is only the squabs left. The sods had better not start on them. Will try the Racumin paste if we don't have any luck this week. Am off to buy some fuse wire and a little bit of bacon.
Jun 3, 12:07am
Racumin is a multi feed bait (they have to eat it a number of times for it to be lethal) if you decide to go with that bait make sure you put enough out and leave it out for many nights so they can keep coming back to get a lethal dose the contrac is single feed.
Jun 3, 12:49am
I had a mouse as droppings small in our campervan first time for years so put rat bait down never took any but have had 6 rats in our play hut took 20 baits so must be a dead 1 some where
Jun 3, 3:23am
pestri is on the button, bacon rind held in place with a strong tie will be a winner.
Jun 3, 1:47pm
Can buy electric rat traps which kill them quickly, all they need to do is stand on the plate en-route to the food. and I second bacon as bait, they love it.
Jun 3, 5:13pm
Never leave out more than 1 or 2 baits to begin with as rats will simply hoard the excess.
Jun 6, 11:17pm
Well we have been going out each to check the baits and the traps. The baits certainly being eaten. The trap we tied the bacon on to had the bacon snatched off somehow and the trap had gone off but no rat on it. We set it again this morning with more fuse wire so lets see what happens this time. They seem to have stopped going up into the van now.
Jun 7, 12:06am
I have been told that the rats will take the baits back home and store them for later use, so the baits need to be well secured to prevent this stealing of them and hopefully rats will chew their way through them. This has come from people who have done rat control as a job and from the suppliers as well.
Jun 7, 4:40am
We used the blue round baits. Crush them up and mix with a little flour and place in a shallow container - old lid or whatever . This way they cant take the bait back to the nest and if they want it they have to eat it. Works everytime for us. Horrible little beasties.
Jun 7, 5:31am
Be very careful if you have a moggy as they can catch the wonky rats before they die and the poison in their bodies is absorbed if they eat the rats - sadly I speak from experience - fatal!
Jun 7, 6:32am
Place a dry mix of Bran and Plaster of Paris next to water - the rat will be thirsty. Guess what !
Jun 10, 2:29am
Sorry I am not doing something right with photos will get someone to help me with them tomorrow.
Jun 10, 9:36pm
To cure rat in campervan you need to have cat / fox terrier in campervan also !
Jun 11, 3:54am
Electric trap. To actually get the bait, they have to be electrocuted. Look on youtube. quick death.
Dec 16, 4:54pm
Try mixing peanut butter with cotton wool makes it harder for them to get off.
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