Pergola beam help please,,,,

walkyluvva, May 4, 9:14pm
Hi all, we are roofing a pergola over our deck,,,,deck size is approx 5m x 6m. We have 2 posts halfway to put a beam on. They are 5m apart, what size timber would be advisable to use for this purpose, to support the 6x2's halfway. Thanks

tintop, May 4, 9:46pm
What is the maximum span between supports. and will the beam be continuous over the supports. What will the beam be supportng. ?

walkyluvva, May 4, 10:13pm
The span is 5m. Yes looking at one continuous beam across the two posts. On top will be 6x2's ( spacing unknown at this stage ) and long run roofing iron with a few clearlite sheets in between for light.

kenw1, May 4, 10:20pm
How well anchored and what size are the posts that you are hoping to put this beam across?

walkyluvva, May 4, 10:52pm
Well anchored, bolted, bracketed etc. 4x4 posts

tintop, May 4, 11:32pm
So it will be a clear span of 5m, with two supports, one at each end ?

Rather than the weight - the biggest problem will be wind uplift. Are the support posts well anchored down ?

what is the length of your rafters, and how far to the end supports ?

kenw1, May 4, 11:59pm
How far into the ground is the object that are fixed to, the uplift will be massive on a span of this nature.

kenw1, May 5, 12:14am
Am I correct in reading it that the roof will be cantilevered out over the supports?

gabbysnana, May 5, 12:18am
you need council consent for your illegal structure.

trade4us2, May 5, 12:56am
I made a laminated beam about 350x100 for my room that is 6 metres square. The building inspector didn't like that I made it so I had to have it tested by an engineer, and it passed.

tiny15, May 5, 1:25am
since there's been 9 replies above & not 1 of them giving any advice about the original question, I'm going out on a limb here and going to say a decent piece of 8x2 . or even 10x2 but that will start to look a bit bulky

**waits with a baited hook now**

johotech, May 5, 1:44am
Pretty sure 290x90 is the only thing that will come close for that span. But there are a lot of factors that come into working it out correctly. It may well turn out that your size and span can't actually be accommodated in the tables of the standard.

As already mentioned, the size already exceeds what can be built without a permit, so you're kind of screwed before you start.

walkyluvva, May 5, 2:05am
Thank you for your positive input Gail. Very knowledgable nana. Sarcasm aside though, yes we are aware of the legal requirements & will definitley be building according to these.

kenw1, May 5, 3:19am
Your local library may have NZS3604 as a reference this will give you all the answers.

tintop, Jan 17, 11:47am
The original question was ambiguous and short on information.
You now have the benefit of some additional facts.

The op can take your advice if he wishes. :)