Opium Poppies

nruter, Jun 20, 5:26am
Was given some seed heads, lots of seeds, decided to just plant them and have a lovely crop in a seed raising tray on the kitchen windowsill.
Assuming, as they germinated, is the right time of the year. But at what size and/or when do I plant them out?
Assistance please.

rainrain1, Jun 20, 8:36pm
You would have been better to scatter the seed straight onto the garden as they are come up like weeds, you will have them for ever and a day once they start to seed. I would say plant them out while small, especially before they start to get any height,

What are you going to do with them?
Are you allowed to grow them? I wouldn't have the foggiest myself

johotech, Jun 20, 8:39pm
"Home and Income" springs to mind.

pogram0, Jun 20, 8:57pm
I remember when I lived in Melbourne that police used to go around and root out any poppies growing in gardens. I don't know whether it still happens but it got a few people upset.

wembley1, Jun 20, 10:28pm
One flat I was in, our poppies disappeared, I don't think it was the cops that were nicking them.

oh_hunnihunni, Jun 20, 10:36pm
Definitely grow them out of sight, they're an invitation to low lives and idiots.

nruter, Jun 20, 11:01pm
I intend picking the flowers before the capsule forms and hopefully no one will see them in my garden. Am just a 'little old lady' who likes her garden.
However, the job of extracting the gum/opium and then processing it into heroin, or I should imagine something useful, is pretty time consuming.
It's like the idiots who raid gardens for the cactus, can't imagine it being worth the effort. But suppose there's those who try - and maybe some out there with enough knowledge and equipment to succeed.

Would it be too late to scatter seeds now? Suppose there's only one way to find out.

junie2, Jun 20, 11:04pm
Some idiot killed himself with an OD of my poppies, which were not visible from the road. In fact he and his mates took a trailer up the drive of the folk on the back fence ( who were away on holiday ) and in the process of burgling that house, just happened to look over our 6 ft fence.

ruby2shoes, Jun 20, 11:37pm

I was apparantely given opium poppy seed - but as wikipedia says, there are some which are mistaken for opium poppy. I don't believe mine are the real thing. Not that I care. I just chuck the seed around, yes, do it now. They were a gorgeous deep purple, double, but bees have done their thing and sometimes the poppies are an insipid pale single pink.

samanya, Jun 21, 12:21am
I'm sure I've read that they are not really opium poppies but the low types think they are, so it still pays to grow them out of sight.
I had that lovely dark plum/purple one & carefully saved the seeds & popped them in my garden shed & some blardy little rodent had a party & ate the lot!
All of my double 'fluffy' numbers have reverted to singles, so I turfed them, not sure if I'd bother again.

samanya, Dec 11, 3:03am
I'd do what rainrain suggested & maybe next time scatter them where you want them. Good luck.