Pea straw from sweet peas. Is it possible?

meoldchina, Mar 4, 6:31pm
I have just pulled out my sweet peas and am wondering if I can make my own pea straw? Any tips?

junie2, Mar 4, 6:57pm
Why not? It would just mean spreading the dried vines on the ground ( or tying them up in a bale shape if you have lots ) instead of putting them in the compost I guess. Whatever- you wouldn't put it in your green bin, for sure.

mothergoose_nz, Mar 4, 7:11pm
the peas are poisonous for livestock. they are not the same as ordinary peas

harrislucinda, Mar 4, 7:42pm
might not be feeding stock will be for the garden i am guessing

poppysinger2, Mar 5, 12:21am
Yes, indeed you can. That is what I have done ,I sort of wrap them up in bundles and use as mulch . Rots down well and sometimes a bonus sweet pea plant where you have mulched !

meoldchina, May 5, 12:34am
Thank you all. I have spread the vines on my garden path and noticed that the seeds are falling from the pods so I will retrieve them. What a wonderful plant sweet peas are! Beautiful, scented flowers, simple to grow, recyclable as mulch and seeds that are easy to gather and sow. If only they were edible!