Cornmeal as a snail/slug bait

shaz561, Jan 18, 11:32pm
Also egg shells. I keep all mine and wash thrn break them up and sprinkle around plants. Its a double effect of nutrients and snails won't go over anything course or harsh

bubbles22222, Jan 3, 9:40pm
i'm looking for an alternative to the normal slug/snail bait and was reading about cornmeal as an alternative. Has anyone tried this and has it worked? Is there anything else you have used that has worked.

firefly001, Jan 4, 12:58am
Flat beer

mkbooks, Jan 5, 8:49pm
On saucers-my mother used to do that-amazing how many slugs/snails drowned in it

mark_g, Mar 28, 9:57am
I did the beer thing this spring - and can attest that it certainly does work. In fact it worked so well that I began to wonder if it was attracting every slug from miles around and maybe I'd be better of not baiting them. Dunno.