Old coal range

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skin1235, Apr 26, 7:07am
dave ( mrfxit ) is a good guy, I've sat at his table for a coffee too, knowing him he won't be getting upset, chuckling more likely
Tonight is not a good night - I am worn out, I start the building of 2 farm sheds tomorrow, one is only 2 bays, the other is 7, 12 mt deep and very tall, it's been a long time between watering holes, the brain hasn't let me get a good nights sleep all week, spinning with details and requirement plans etc
will take about 5 weeks to get both done, am also in the process of building a bush bach 30km up the valley at the end of the road, its a clay road and you can't use it if it has rained in the previous 24 hrs, well not with a ute and trailer, the rain has made delays to that already and the mental frustration just adds to the sleeplessness, the bach was meant to be inhabitable by now - it isn't, by a long way
One day I will head down that way, have a few down there to touch base with,
tis-me-chrissy is an old mate, she calls in here when up this way and I owe her a visit on her home soil
have in laws down there too and a couple of graves to visit
not much fun tonight, the quips won't roll, my funny bone has gone funny or missing
you take care, get a good supply of wood setup early, the worst of the cold is as winter begins, even though the thermometer says its colder later the mind and the body freak out at the difference day to day
I'll catch up each night, look forward to hearing how things are progressing

mrfxit, Apr 26, 8:47am
LMAO . Dam.
Snapped huh .

guest, Jan 8, 2:17am
to get your range restored including re-enameling I suggest rayburn rebuilds in Darfield. They have just done ours and made a great job. Not cheap though.

guest, Oct 9, 7:11pm
GAP is not always isesud after the loan is. Many places have a 30 day period after you make the loan. You did not say how long ago you bought the car. If it has been more than 30 days, your best bet would be to consider a re-fi with your bank or credit union. They will also have GAP insurance. I am surprised that the dealership didnt sell it to you, they usually get a cut from it which is why it is higher than if you get it from your bank or CU. Maybe they felt bad about sticking it to you with the rate thought GAP would be too much.

guest, Oct 11, 8:28am
Wow, well, have you called the innuarsce company where you insure the car? That's probably the BEST place to get the gap from. Although they won't cover any negative equity rolled into the loan.Besides that, either drive very, very carefully for the next three years, or sell the car/cancel the deal even if it costs you. Sounds like it's going to cost you about three times what it should, anyway.

guest, May 30, 2:55pm
Ik zou in ieder geval jezelf memeeenn. Ha, ha, ha.... Gisterenavond kwan Willemien langs, die was haar zus wegbrengen naar Frankrijk. We hebben 't niet laat gemaakt, want ik kon gewoon niet meer. Moest plat.Ik stond uitgerust op en werd heerlijk gemasseerd, mijn maandelijkse beurt.Succes met pakken en je kunt toch altijd laMAMA bellen. Kus Els