Golden queen peaches

.jillybeen., Feb 17, 4:17am
When do you pick them!Some of mine are starting to go golden but are quite hard still, should I pick them or wait until they ripen on the trees.!

wheelz, Feb 17, 6:37am
Late feb/mar

liggy2, Feb 17, 8:25am
Sounds like they are getting close and better left to partially ripen then pick.

.jillybeen., Feb 17, 11:57pm
Tee Hee I forgot I wrote that,Those peaches were clean stone so they wern't golden queen I just thought they were.All the fruit trees are grown from stones and Im just working out what they are.Im getting nervous as they ar so close to being ripe, just a little brown rot but if it rains ill probably loose the crop.Need to pick and bottle and freeze them as soon as possible.

edenrose, Feb 24, 10:42am
How long did your trees take to fruit, from seed!Thanks.

skin1235, Feb 24, 10:48am
clear stone or clean stone, looks like golden queen, probably one of the watties varieties, yes they are a variety of fruit, developed by them - to be free stone ( clear stone, clean stone ) to be easier to process
just bite into one, you'll know immediately if they are ready, they do retain quite a firmness and soften in processing so your bite test is for sugar ( sweetness ) the texture can be quite chunky till cooked

cantabman1, Mar 21, 2:48pm
Once the peach is full in shape and showing colour, they can be picked as required. They will soften in just a few days when with other fruit in the bowl.
I enjoyed one last night, picked hard from a friends place last week.