Anealling No. 8 wire?

patsy3, Mar 2, 12:21am
Has anyone done this! I want to make a sculpture from the wire I have, but so difficult to work with. I thought I could aneal it by heating in a kiln, anyone done this before, and what would be a good temp! TIA

trade4us2, Mar 2, 1:37am
I think that you should heat it red hot and just let it cool down, without putting it in water. Just put a blowtorch on it, unless you have a kiln big enough. If it has a zinc (galvanised) coating, that will burn off. It will then rust unless you paint it.

If you heat it red hot and put it into linseed oil that will make the wire black and reasonably rust proof. Mind the clouds of white smoke!

h.e, Mar 2, 3:08am
from memory 700-800 degrees it should then be cooled slowly, turn the kiln off and leave it in there till cold. Dont quench it in oil as suggested that will harden it and make it easier to snap

patsy3, Mar 2, 3:19am
Thanks for that! Will see if the local polytec will let me use their kiln
Does allow for a soft 4mm equivalent, so might just look at cost on that, but kinda defeats the purpose of the No. 8 mentality, would like to use what I have on hand.

steptoesnr, Mar 2, 5:40am
If you actually have No 8 wire (which is very much a thing of the past) then you will have absolutely no problem whatsoever in bending it to whatever shape takes your fancy and once there it will not alter. I suspect you have high tensile wire. Go ask a fencing retail firm for 'soft' wire. Easy as and no need for kilns etc.

steptoesnr, Mar 2, 5:54am
I looked at your profile and noted your whangarei 'location'. (me too)If you wish to call o211512244 and leave a message I will eventually retrieve it and perhaps can tell you more.

sparkyz, Mar 3, 6:36am
Be very careful as burning the zinc coating off releases dangerous fumes.

ralphdog1, Apr 1, 1:59pm
Completely agree