Deadly nightshade?

mandarin3, Jan 31, 1:23am
I'm a bit concerned that my rural property is over run with deadly nightshade.can anyone tell me how to identify it!There seem to be two kinds of plants, some with purple flowers some with yellow and white, but the weed looks the same!I want to get on top of it as we have small kiddies.Is it as poisonous as they say!We are in Canterbury.

harrislucinda, Jan 31, 1:45am
yesthereis2types1with adarkerleaf
both haveberriessodontlet thekidseatthem
explainandshowthemnot toeat

r.g.nixon, Jan 31, 1:47am
It probably 'common' nightshade rather than deadly nightshade. At least that it was my little brother ate ("nasty peas" he said) - got stomach pumped out as a precaution.

mandarin3, Jan 31, 1:50am
Even though the flowers are purple!I know the white ones are probably not harmful, but all the google images point to the purple flowered variety being deadly nightshade.Am sending a sample to ecan to be sure ;)

spiritofgonzo, Jan 31, 4:35am
highly unlikely to be deadly nightshade.Very likely to be black nightshade. Not too nasty -just another weed.

r.g.nixon, Jan 31, 4:56am
According to deadly nightshade is really the plant belladonna. (It has purple flowers, too, but the berries are unmistakably black).

mandarin3, Jan 31, 7:10am
Thanks for your responses - have done a bit more research and i'm fairly certain that it is all black nightshade as they sometimes flower purple too.even so, I think I'll make sure every last plant is gone!

trade4us2, Feb 17, 8:18am
My elderly neighbour's property has millions of small nightshade plants. Since I have planted hundreds of useful plants I can't spray the area.
But now thousands of beetles are eating the nightshades, which are looking rather sick.