Beach/batch - decorating styles.

dreamer55, Jan 25, 5:32am
Can someone please suggest a site that I can look at for beach/batch images of interiors. Don't want something looking too palatial just simple designs and ideas. thanks.

tlharrex, Jan 25, 7:34am is awesome! Not limited to beachy type but heaps of great ideas and inspiration. Hope it's helpful :-)

stevee6, Jan 25, 8:44am
This one works well

Otherwise google 'beach cottage decor' or 'coastal decor'.

dreamer55, Jan 25, 9:02am
Great, thanks very much - will have a look.

jag5, Jan 26, 8:19am choice is lots of white on walls etc then chuck in heaps of blue and turquoise and green etc.

Simple but stunning.

jag5, Jan 26, 8:21am
love that website stevee6.just as I said wish I had a seaside place.

lynneandella, Jan 26, 8:38am
You will find more if you google bach instead of batch - not picking on your spelling just trying to be helpful

agens, Jan 26, 7:59pm
White is all very well but I recently when on an exploration with the Resene lady for a job in my house.Check our their larger cardboard swatches.Its amazing how different whites can be and if you are picky you can miss out on some really different half and quarter tones.I would suggest investigate.No plain white, it will literally drive you up the wall. Don't forget accents in natural timber or distressed woods.Onwards

stevee6, Jan 26, 9:05pm
Yep, but the great thing is with decorating you can have a seaside place without being at the sea. It took me decades to get my place at the sea, and it's still not 'the sea outside every window' type. But the finished part of the decor gives more of that feeling and it's a work in progress.

jag5, Jan 26, 10:33pm
agens.I agree.I didn't specifically mean white white.there are hundreds of shades of white.and using several different ones together looks amazing.

pskpinks, Feb 10, 3:09pm
Sometimes finding a picture in a magazine or some lovely fabric will get you started. I looked at some Warwick fabrics recently [fell in love actually!] and I was off and running exploring colours that I might not have considered prior to that. Also looking at how bright your rooms are will help you decide whether really light [sort of white=sunglasses on inside the house!] or softly grey/beige like sand and driftwood [absorbing light and restful] is the way to go as a main colour.
Soft sea foam and cloudy sky blues might be used as accents if you favour the Cape Cod weathered look [try the Karen Walker range of colours] and clear bright tones of turquoise, indigo blue and fresh lime [try Resene Fashion Range] may work if you want Kiwiana beach inspiration.
Best of luck.