Maori spuds

limejelly, Jan 17, 8:09pm
I have some that I have had on the window sill for quite a while to get the sprout things going.Is it ok to plant them out at this time of year!

edenrose, Jan 18, 2:14am
I thought they sprouted in the dark!I know they do in the potato bag!

roys351, Jan 18, 7:56am
i want some !

spiritofgonzo, Jan 18, 8:10am
yep - absolutely

strebor1, Jan 18, 8:16am
Yes they do sprout in the dark, but when wanting to plant them, it is better to sprout in the sun/light. The sun gives them energy.

gag5, Jan 18, 9:15am
I waited ages for mine to sprout & they hardly got any so eventually I planted them anyway. They have now grown into huge plants sprawling all over the place & we dug one up - mostly tiny little marbles! Someone told me they take way longer than normal spuds, like at least 3-4 mths, so I`m waiting till March at least.
The comment from other half, upon seeing what was dug up, was "Maori potatoes! No wonder they ate each other!"Lol!

limejelly, Jan 18, 9:44pm
Thanks everyone, will plant them out.They are probably the best potatoes I have ever eaten.purple skinned, smooth and creamy white on the!

arabelle, Jan 19, 1:59am
make them their own bed, and then just toss compost on each winter and you land up with about 40wks worth of spuds, my spud bed has been going for the past 4 yrs. Very easy care,do need lots of food for the bigger spud, I usually leave the little ones to become the next seed potato and take medium sized

cluliz, Feb 2, 6:10am
We have plants of these all self sown and I never now exactlywhen I should be digging them.Any info on this would be appreciated

mark_g, Feb 2, 10:43am
A few weeks after flowering works for me. I usually use my hand to dig down beside a plant and have a gentle grope around for the spuds. This way if you don't find any of eating size you can fill in the hole and try again in a few more weeks.

murfee, Feb 5, 6:25pm
loved your story gag5 - made me laugh out loud! :-)

cujo34, Feb 26, 9:15am
Thanks potatoes have been planted for months and I've been waiting patiently for the tops to die down and it hasn't happened. I think I might have a feel around and see whats under the soil. I grew mine from little potatoes the size of my little finger nail and chucked them into a pot with compost. They're huge plants now.

greyway21, Feb 26, 10:11am
Purple and creamy skin!
Sound like Kowiniwini.My favourite potatoe and grow them as my main crop because of the taste.

lindylambchops1, Feb 27, 12:19am
My neighbour has her Maori potatoes planted in single tyres, lots of them in a row to stop them from spreading everywhere.
I would love to grow some myself.

lindylambchops1, Feb 27, 12:20am
BTW.I love tinned pears in lime jelly!

c.d.mckenzie, Feb 27, 1:19pm
i have some also in an old claw footed bath, it's my 1st year my flowers died weeks ago and have now harvested them yes alot were marble types but i did alot of decent sized ones as well and they were yummy.i have some available i'm in West Auckland.

clangie, Feb 27, 5:03pm
oh christ,are they claiming spuds now lol

spirogryo, Feb 27, 11:38pm
clangie,Please address the topic.I notice anti catholic,and anti maori,just cant help themselves.

terachaos, Mar 28, 11:40am
I'd like to know how to get rid of them. Have feral ones sprouting up everywhere.