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guest, Oct 11, 11:50pm
Wow! thats amazing! me, I havnet seen my sunflowers yet.. its been raining for 2 days and it hasn't grown what did you use to make it grow faster?

guest, Jun 3, 7:43pm
Great tips, Michelle! We've got a clear plastic cover over the beds now tinyrg to give a little boost to the soil this week since it is supposed to be cold and rainy. In my past life I grew tens of thousands of vegetable starts from seed transplanting them from seed trays to packs, to 4 pots and then sometimes gallons all to be sold at the nursery. By the time June rolled around, my enthusiasm for growing food was finished. I would just be happy when the CSA box showed up and I could enjoy somebody else's hard work. It will be fun to see how much we can actually grow in this small space. I am already picturing my windowsill full of baby starts